Functional network organization of the human brain
Jonathan Power, Alex Cohen, Steve Nelson, Gagan Wig, Kelly Barnes, Jessica Church, Alecia Vogel, Tim Laumann, Fran Miezin, Brad Schlaggar, Steve Petersen
Neuron 2011 Nov 17; 72(4):665-78
PubMed link
Figures (ppt)
Files (nii, xls)
Maybe later I will write more about this paper. There are several ideas in it that I haven't been able to follow up on but that I hope to return to one day. The files linked above will let you use the 264 ROI communities and the modified voxelwise communities as you please. Most people tend to use the "consensus" assignments of voxels or ROIs, which summarize across analyses at several thresholds (such as those shown below).