A simple but useful way to assess fMRI scan qualities
Jonathan Power
Neuroimage 2017 Jul 1; 154:150-158
PubMed link
Figures (ppt)
Below are movies associated with the article "A simple but useful way to assess fMRI scan qualities". All movies are 1080p and will look best at full-screen resolutions. The movies stream or click on links next to the captions to download the movies. Files to download are hosted on Dropbox Pro; if the links don't work our traffic has exceeded its 200GB/day limit and the links will be re-enabled the following day.
Movie 1 (.mov - 100 MB)
This movie shows 84 MyConnectome scans before and after spatial blurring to reduce thermal noise, following the conventions of Figure 1. Motion traces are at top in red with a thin black line showing Framewise Displacement (FD) of 0.2 mm. Note that the small periodic movements routinely exceed this line, suggesting that FD = 0.2 is not an appropriate "cutoff" for typical versus atypical motion in these scans.
Movie 3 (.mov - 70 MB)
This movie shows plots in the NIH subjects, with motion, respiratory, and heart rate traces at top.
Movie 4 (.mov - 90 MB)
This movie shows plots in HCP subjects, with motion and respiratory traces at top. Note that in this movie each scan gets 4 frames, the first and final frames are unblurred, the middle two frames are blurred. Reducing thermal noise makes a marked difference in the plots (e.g., compare frames 3 and 4 in any scan).
PLOTDEMO (.zip - 80 MB)
This .zip file contains some sample fMRI data and scripts to create the plot. The movie below illustrates the demo.